More than words…

I Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing;

What does that mean? The only thing I do without ceasing is breathing. My wife would argue it is whining but this is my blog so breathing it is! Could it be that prayer is much more than the verbal or silent petitions we routinely perform? If I were to stop breathing I would die. Breathing causes me to be. No matter what activity I undertake it is a functional continuance of my breathing.

If I pray that God gives me a heart for those in need and I am approached by a person on the street and asked if I can spare some money and I give them some, is that not praying? If you are praying for God’s will to be done and you are living out the Gospel is that not a continuance of your prayer? How different this world would be, how different our lives would be if we truly obeyed this command.

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