Life can be so heavy and burdensome. The weight of responsibilities can be too much to bear. The pain and evil in this world can seem relentless. I’ve noticed a trend where people are now only posting positive things to stem the tide of negativity and provide a brief respite from the craziness. Posting for the “like” is what I call it. The problem is that the “like” is brief and you find yourself scrolling and scrolling looking for more “likes” never really finding the rest we are seeking. I recently had a very discouraging bit of news about a ministry activity I was involved in where what I shared about Gospel didn’t stick. In the midst of my pouting God impressed on me “you did all that to get the Like”.
Deuteronomy 12:9-10 NIV
” 9 since you have not yet reached the resting place and the inheritance the LORD your God is giving you.
10 But you will cross the Jordan and settle in the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, and he will give you rest from all your enemies around you so that you will live in safety.”
This instruction from the OT was to the Israelites in crossing over into the promised land. This rest or easing of life’s burdens as told in chapter 11 (v. 18-20) comes through complete faith in and relentless meditation on God. Not in ourselves. No measure of cute post about puppies or unicorns, self help quotes, or inner strength statements to garner “likes” will give us the rest, the life easing balm we so desperately seek. “Likes” change moods. “Life” which is only found through complete faith in and total obedience to God will bring us into His rest. We must go beyond getting the “like” to giving the “life”.